Monday, August 29, 2005


After a nice day yesterday down at Shelter Island selling art in the park I worked some more on the kitties. Though it may be difficult to see in this small photo, I re-worked their eyes and did a general overall touchup on the fur of each of them as well as painted the edges of the wrap around canvas. Pending everyone's approval I think it may be finished.


Anonymous said...

Hey John , Its perfect i can see the changes especially with Betty`s eyes and with YumYum you have Done an exceptional job im very happy . Thank you so much

From My Pen said...

They are beautiful and I love them all, the little one being my favorite. Great work John.:)

Q said...

Nicely painted - the colours of the fur have been bleneded into each other nicely together. Out of the four, I like the bottom right and top left.

Good job, John!

dorna! said...

Back away from the canvas. They're done. :)