I've added more background out the window and some shadows. I've also added a lot more cat hair but it doesn't show in this size photo. I may still work a little more on the fur but it will be insignificant to this exercise and so we'll call this the final shot of "Tiger and Nugget" that I will post.
Thanks for watching!
Bravo, Bravo, your work is excellent, I enjoyed seeing these stages that you have shown here, Thanks for taking the time for us to see how you progress in painting a picture.:)
That is a beautiful painting!
One of them is named Nugget?
That is totally wonderful John I love it
As always, John, I simply can't say enough about your work!
i may be partial here, but those are two beautiful cats...but maybe its just me....
wink wink
Delightful, showing the stages brings viewers to a new appreciation of art and the process of creating.
You have a way with cats! I'm enjoying the works in progress. Looking forward to more!
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