I took a digital photo that morning that I painted from. I didn't make my neighbor, Roland, pose for the painting. I just caught him at 6:00 am and snapped a few shots of him posting his flag like he does evey morning. Roland is a retired Colonel in the U.S. Army and I thought it a nice tribute to both him and those that we remember on Memorial Day.
this one is very moving joan wader
How long did you make the old man stay in this possition? I know I couldn't do it.
I took a digital photo that morning that I painted from. I didn't make my neighbor, Roland, pose for the painting. I just caught him at 6:00 am and snapped a few shots of him posting his flag like he does evey morning. Roland is a retired Colonel in the U.S. Army and I thought it a nice tribute to both him and those that we remember on Memorial Day.
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